Our final project will be a film opening task (video) titled "Classroom killer".This project will explore the topic of horror through a killer within the classroom while creating suspense through the conventions of horror. Some conventions related to the horror that we will be using include handheld shots, suspenseful music, and dark lighting. I will find more conventions related to the horror genre while using Google, other horror movies, numerous articles on horror movie conventions, and using articles or websites given by my teacher already. In terms of the AICE Media Studies syllabus, this project will fall under
Since this is a group project, I (Angelo Douglas) will be working with Anthony and Sebbastion SIlva.(Making a total of 3 people in my group).
Our movie
The movie we are trying to make is a thriller genre-based film opening that is based on a killer within a classroom. The basic conventions that will definietley included in our portfolio include handheld shots, suspenseful music, and dark lighting this is because these are some of the basic conventions of horror and thriller genres. The characters will be wearing uniforms of the school to show they are part of a classroom. The theme of this movie we are creating is to trust no one because among the students will be the killer/protagonist of our film opening. The characters include a teacher, students, and the killer. The intended audience for my film is young adults or teenagers(16-25) that enjoy horror or thriller because they are experiencing new things in life, which means watching thrillers could draw them in giving them a new fear. If they're watching other thrillers as their favorite movie genre then they could be interested in mine as well. I will get them to see my movie by posting it on other social media platforms asking peers to check it out and giving feedback for future purposes. The characters in our movie will be portrayed as bullies that bully an innocent kid pushing him to his limit. The characters will be portrayed as jocks and nerds. Those are the main characters but there will be a bystander included watching the nerd get bullied and doing nothing to stop.
Other movies in horror/thriller
From the movies, I've watched for my genre normally the opening scenes are a day in life or flashforwards. An opening scene reveals meaning and tone without giving away too much normally without using dialogue and using cinematography and missen scene to communicate with the viewer without saying what they truly mean. Some Stereotypes included in the genre horror is a person with a mask is the killer and the blonde white girl is going to go towards the danger, The other films I watched have a setting of their own homes or in the woods which can both be scary places to be when you know someone is around. Abandoned buildings, forests, and cabins at night time are usually the places the horror genre will take place this is because of the lack of people in that area when something bad is taking place, Many horror or thriller movies have a title that is giving a scary mood and those are usually darker colors like red or black. Another reason red might be used is because it indicates blood. The bold font with all capital letters is used as well, to grab the attention of the viewer. On some occasions, blood might even be dripping from the title to indicate death. Through the research of the Netflix horror movies, I watched the titles are normally placed in the middle of the screen filling up about 1/4 of the screen. Information that should be included in the title is a specific meaning to the title that has a significant meaning that represents the movie.
How much action really occurs in the first two minutes of the opening scene?
Not very much action occurs in a 2-minute time frame (most of the time) as shown from an opening scene of the movie Hush, but what is happening is cooking which is what normal people do on a normal day in their life. These shots/screenshots all prove that this movie's opening scene is "a day in life " meaning not much action will occur, except for what they do on a daily basis of their lives but it still builds tension through the non-dietetic music.
This dark lighting shot is a closeup of what the woman in Hush is cooking while using a spoon to stir her food.The dark lighting is creating a scary mood while the food is being sturred slowly. The closeup is used so you notice that the food is being sturred slowly creeating a ceepy type of mood.
This dark lighting shot is a medium shot of the pot of the food cooking .The dark lighting is used to make the shot look scary making you thihnk something willl happen.This medium shot is used to draw attention to the pot cooking the food but still the surroundings.
this shot is a closeup of the food in a pot cooking on a stove.The dark lighting is used to make the shot look scary making you thihnk something willl happen.Close up is used to draw attention to the food she is making.
This dark lighting shot is a medium shot of the recipe the woman is using to cook the food she's making in the previous shots before this showing that in this opening scene of the movie the method used is "a day in life ".this is a medium shot which focuses on the computer while still focusing on the surroundings so you know this area is where she does her cooking I know because of the prop on the table beside the computer.
Sites I used to gather the information used
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