Genres of the class
Genres are a certain category based on the film and what's in it. There are many different types of genres and many different reasons they were created I llist all of the genres my class went over, well most of them because i was apsent for most of the week which meant I missed some peoples genres so will show what notes i do have. What i knew before i started learning about movie genres was that there were a alot of movie genres and that genres can mix into each other. One thing thats I learned through my research and classwork is that there are
Horror is a genre of a film that used to give people a scare, new fear, shock or disgust. Different people are scared of different things so not every horror film is scary to everyone. Plot elements in horror are normally use of the fear of the unknown, betrayal or a desire for justice. Characters normally used include the killer, police officer, witty teenager and old person who gives a warning to people. Some history of horror is that the first horror film was "the house of the devil" made in 1896, it was made by George Melies. Older films like around the 1890s use practical effects while newer films include digital effects. For example in earlier times the bat had strings on it making it look fake while nowadays the bat will look real.
Romantic comedy
Romantic comedy is a movie that has love in it but show it in a humorous way. Not everyone finds the same things funny so it may not be funny to everyone but in my opinion most of them are funny. In older times of this genre the 1950s they saw girls differently like a damsel in distress or a witty teenager. Normally the way the poster looks with this movie genre is a boy and girl standing back to back. How the story normally goes is boy meets girl, they get into an argument then they start to have an attraction to each other then they confess their love to each other and live happily ever after. ;o
Sci movies are normally about things that will never come true but its possible that they could in the future. This genre dates back to the 25th century. In the 25th century they were probably telling stories about what we have today. The social function of this genre is to tell predictions of advanced technologies and whether they'll be good or bad. Plot elements of this genre normally include the future, outer space and technology. Older movies of this genre were only set in dysopian times while now its dysopian time plus more. Some editing techniques used are a strong contrast in light, fast shuttle speed and forced perspective.
Crime genre is normally about an investigation of a crime that has occured or is occuring. This genre goes all the way to the 1600s.It reached popularity sometime around the 19-20 century. Some techniques used in this genre are high angle shots ,low angle shots and handheld shots. The social function of this genre is to give the audience a feeling that what happens on the screen can happen to them in real life and decreases crime. The difference between older films and newer ones is that the pace is way faster and the quality is bad in older movies and newer ones the pace and camera quality is better and that makes it more believable.
Comedy is a genre that is used to make people laugh or give them a good feeling to forget about the bad things occuring in their life. The social function of this genre is comedy influences people in different ways but was made to use entertainment to make people happy. Gen z is creating more comedy thats even funnier than comedy from the past. A tyoe of comedy that was created in Gen z is r-rated comedy
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