

Cinematography is the art of motion picture photography. There are many different types of cinematography used in film.Some examples are high angle shot, low angle shot, panning and many more. There are 3 main components that im aware of: include angles, movement, and shot types Movement focuses on how the camera is moving in a scene for example up and down(titling), left and right(panning) and there is tracking when the camera is following a subject there are more but I wont be naming them all. Angles are the specific location at which the movie camera or video camera is placed to take a shot.Some examples of angles include high angle shot low angle shot and angle level angle shot. Shot types are how close the camera is to the subject that's being filmed. Some examples of shot types are full shot,medium shot, and close up shot.

I learned that their is over 100 types of shot types, movement and angles to choose from when filming. I don't know how film makers choose which one ot them to use. At least I didn't know until I learned their conventional uses and what conventional uses itself meant. Another thing i learned was what a eye level angle shot is which is one of the most used shots in Cinematography. Its one of the most used shots because its looking straight on the subject which gives the audience a sense of realism and is the easiest shot to create or use. Before i started my research on cinematography I didnt really know anything about it but know i'm more informed than ever. I only have one more question about it though how many shot types are there exactly or is their an infinite amount?What I did with cinemetography is make a codes-conventions glossary.
